Corporate education as a way to create better employees

Recently, in an interview for the Terra portal, I commented on corporate education and how it helps in the preparation of a company's employees. The result is that, through the corporate education of employees, companies are benefited, fostering the personal and professional development of their employees. Follow the full article and learn more about the subject.
Corporate education helps prepare employees
Companies expand investments and budgets for team training, fostering professional development
Mauricio Ferro, renowned lawyer and businessman, says that "Corporate distance learning is one of the methods available to make this bridge between the employee and the knowledge".
Corporate education is the set of activities and programs developed by companies to train and develop their employees. It can include technical training, management skills development, leadership programs, and more. The goal is to improve employee performance and, consequently, company performance. During the Covid-19 pandemic, with the establishment of social isolation measures, many companies implemented home office, and with this distance corporate education became an option for companies to maintain their development plans.

According to Maurício Ferro, the training and development sector (T&D) is responsible for ensuring that employees develop the skills and knowledge they need to perform their jobs and contribute to the company's strategy and goals, including technical skills training, leadership training, and career development training, among others.
A research conducted by ABTD (Brazilian Training and Development Association), between 2020 and 2021, with the participation of 522 responding companies throughout Brazil, presented the complete panorama of the Training and Development (T&D) sector in the country. In the survey, it was highlighted that 56% of the participating companies had as part of their planning for the future the expansion of online learning offerings.
"The employees don't need to travel to the company or any other reserved place to be able to take the training sessions, they can have their learning from wherever they are and at any time," explains Ferro.
The same survey shows that in the first year of the pandemic (2020), there was an increase in training through EaD (distance learning), representing 44% of training hours in Brazilian companies. In 2021, this growth continued to accelerate, reaching 69%.
Mauricio Ferro, lawyer and partner at 2Be.Livea company specialized in EaD, comments that the visibility that the distance learning market had during the pandemic presented to companies the possibilities that this teaching method provides. "The employees don't need to go to the company or any other reserved place to be able to do the trainings, they can have their learning from wherever they are and at any time," he explains.
The search for distance learning was already a reality in Brazil long before the pandemic. In fact, DE has become a more viable and flexible option for those seeking a career or professional improvement. According to data released by Inep (National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira), the number of undergraduate enrollments in distance learning has more than doubled since 2011 - at the time, the rate was 14.7% of enrollments, while in 2021, this percentage rose to 41.4% of students in higher education in the country.
These data show the potential of distance learning. In the ABTD survey, the indicators highlight the maturing of the T&D area within the organizations due to the increase of companies that allocate part of their annual budget to the development of their employees. The report shows that 100% of the companies with more than 5 thousand employees have a defined annual budget for training and development.
For Ferro, distance learning (DL) has been gaining space in recent years as a flexible and accessible teaching option, and was already widely used in universities and technical education institutions in Brazil. DL was also used for training and development of employees in companies. The popularity of distance learning increased further with the COVID-19 pandemic, with many schools and universities closing their doors and many people looking for online learning options. This has led to an increase in the demand for distance learning courses and programs, both for formal education and employee training and development.
Ferro concludes that organizations understand and are aligned as to the importance of keeping their teams updated and prepared for different scenarios. "It is essential for the company to have a career development plan for its employees, in various segments, with professional training courses, because this way the organization will be investing in intellectual capital," he concludes.