Capital is fearful

This week saw a large outflow of foreign capital from the stock exchange. It's estimated that around 20 billion reais have gone out, despite the good figures presented by the Brazilian economy. The country had a difficult quarter, but it was more positive than expected.

Annus Horribilis: A Portrait of the Year 2023

The expression "annus horribilis", of Latin origin, loosely translates as "horrible year". According to the Cambridge Dictionary, it is defined as "a year of extremely bad events". However, the phrase gained notoriety in 1992, when it was used by Queen Elizabeth II to describe the worst of the year.

How companies die 

"Power is not an end in itself, but is essential to the achievement of goals." In the book "How Democracies Die", by Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt, the authors explore democratic decline through concrete studies. They emphasize the

The trivialization of mediocrity

"Errare humanum est, perseverare autem diabolicum" Saint Augustine The world has evolved in many ways, especially in technology and in the social agenda, by recognizing the need for equal rights and representation of minorities. However, it seems to have regressed on other issues. I'm referring to

The governance of self-protection

"I can calculate the orbit of celestial bodies, but not the madness of people." Sir Isaac Newton, 1721 The corporate world has always been creative in creating governance tools and fads that supposedly signify advances in management, but which serve to generate revenue for

The promising future of infrastructure in South America

Extracting oil in marine waters is transforming the economy of one of South America's smallest and poorest countries, Guyana. In 2015, ExxonMobil, an American oil giant, found the first of the current 11 billion barrels of oil in Guyana.

The Paradox of Agribusiness Abundance

"To throw food away is to throw person away" Pope Francis The Lula government announced on Tuesday the Harvest Plan 2023/2024, worth more than R$ 360 billion. One of the biggest in history. The size of the new plan is a nod to the ruralists, the sector

Americanas: a string of disloyalties

"LOYALTY IS THE MOST SACRED GOOD OF THE HUMAN HEART." Seneca News brought by the CPI of the Americanas stores imbroglio states that the current president of the company has publicly admitted the existence of accounting fraud and that the estimated hole of R$ 25 billion

Investing in Burgundy wine gives more return than the stock market

Wine collectors like to proclaim that "all roads lead to Burgundy," but they forget that in the early days of their hobby, the best red wines from the region were not always taken. In North America and Australia, the road to

Brazil continues to think small

The path of greater visibility of Brazil in the international agenda is intimately connected to a green economy. All foreign eyes associate Brazil with the Amazon and its potential. This is how Lula was received with open doors in his trips abroad