Is soccer becoming an elite sport?

Historically, soccer has always been seen as the sport of the masses. From its earliest days, it attracted large crowds and was one of the few opportunities for low-income individuals to excel. Many footballers came from humble backgrounds and saw the sport as an opportunity to make a name for themselves.

The Bets invasion

The release of sports betting is a recent development in Brazil, but it is widespread in other countries. The British, for example, have a culture of betting ingrained in their daily lives. There, bets are placed not only on sporting events, but even on facts such as who

A farewell and three lessons on how to love what you do

This week, in less than 24 hours, Brazilian sports journalism lost three of its icons: Washington Rodrigues, or Apolinho; Sílvio Luiz; and Antero Greco. Even with all the sadness that surrounds the farewell to these three icons, I find in this farewell an important

It's Time to Unmask the Canes of Brazilian Football

In the exciting world of soccer, Brazil has always been revered as one of the most iconic nations, full of talent and achievements that echo across the world's pitches. However, in the midst of the spotlight and the glory of the past, a shadow looms that obscures

It's no longer enough to be a star. Soccer demands role models. 

Soccer is changing dramatically. And I'm not talking about rules, tactical schemes or athletic performance. We are experiencing a change in consciousness. If we compare the case of goalkeeper Bruno and the case of former athlete and coach Cuca with the trial of Daniel Alves

Annus Horribilis: A Portrait of the Year 2023

The expression "annus horribilis", of Latin origin, loosely translates as "horrible year". According to the Cambridge Dictionary, it is defined as "a year of extremely bad events". However, the phrase gained notoriety in 1992, when it was used by Queen Elizabeth II to describe the worst of the year.

Is the calendar really the great villain of Brazilian soccer?

I can tell you that I am not. Perhaps I am the lone voice on this issue.